

CrSBr is attracting considerable interest within the solid-state physics community at the moment. It is a van der Waals magnetic semiconductor in which spin, electronic, photonic, and structural degrees of freedom are inherently linked. Since the first experimental results on CrSBr in the 2D era were reported four years ago, significant progress has been made in understanding the intriguing properties of this material. Key advances include the experimental demonstration of exciton-magnon interactions, exciton-photon strong coupling, and the quasi-one dimensional nature of electronic excitations and their transport. 

Combined, these phenomena make CrSBr an exceptional platform for quantum materials research.


Capitalizing on recent progress and the rapidly growing community working with CrSBr, a one-day focus workshop is being organized to bring together top researchers to discuss recent results and ongoing work. Reflecting the particularly young and diverse community researching CrSBr, the scientific program of the workshop will bring together highly impactful early-stage researchers and established experts from around the world to build new connections and collaborations. 

All topics related to CrSBr and heterostructures of CrSBr are within the scope of the workshop. These include spectroscopy, charge transport, magnetism and dynamics, basic characterization, experimental work, and theory. 

What to expect

Due to the limited size of the venue, we may not be able to offer attendance to everyone. Priority will be given to those with a poster/oral presentation. 

More about the workshop